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Environmental Policy


       The development of low-carbon economy has hit our traditional production and operation mode, way of life and values. In the face of the trend of pushing energy conservation and emission reduction and low-carbon economy from the country to the local area, Chinese manufacturing enterprises that go forward in the thorny need more courage to face and self-break. FLYTECH adheres to clean production and development of circular economy. Through project management, internal reduction of energy consumption, development of new technologies, new technologies and new facilities, follow-up on emissions exceeding strict standards is strictly implemented. FLYTECH realizes the awareness of "green procurement" Chain transfer, and strive to create FLYTECH green business card production. Low pollution, low emissions, FLYTECH the first step to a low-carbon economy.

★ Energy saving
       Waste heat recovery :
       Waste heat recovery is an important measure of cleaner production, which plays an important role in saving energy and reducing consumption, which can bring huge economic benefits.
       FLYTECH since 2006 put into use waste heat recovery system, will supply the production line chilled water chillers waste heat, heat exchange system, into the park living hot water.

       Project energy saving :
       From the beginning of 2012, led by the project management department of the Company to carry out water-saving and energy-saving project management within the whole group.
       Statistical analysis will be conducted on each class of electricity consumption data entered in the process to ensure timely correction of electricity consumption in the process.Improve the production of electricity incentives, energy-saving effect of the month significant process rewards, at the same time not completed the process of saving targets for punishment, through incentives and penalties to ensure the smooth progress of energy-saving projects.
       Actively process and equipment energy-saving transformation, such as the production line heating equipment to improve temperature control, water purification processes peak power consumption, etc., while increasing the use of large-scale monitoring of energy-using equipment, energy-saving renovation to improve the main energy-consuming equipment Usage.
       At the same time, the company greatly promoted the use of recycled water in the production line, and implemented the process of water use and electricity benchmarking system.
        In the meantime, projects such as optimizing layout of imposition at design time, improving material utilization rate, implementing new technology of washing water network and recycling of microetching solution have also been carried out, which directly contribute to the reduction of consumption of raw materials.
       The implementation of a series of projects promised to reduce the smooth completion of water consumption projects for production electricity.

★ Emission reduction
       Reducing emissions mainly from the two aspects of reducing sewage discharge and reducing pollutant emissions, helping enterprises to control and reduce pollutant emissions, reduce waste from the source to achieve the end of pollution control and pollution prevention and control of the whole process of production changes, Improve resource utilization efficiency and promote cleaner production.

       Save water
       Water management :
       FLYTECH since 2005 called for all to save water and improve the water use assessment system.
       FLYTECH production department in the total import of tap water, the total import of water back to all processes of tap water inlet, the process of reunification of water intakes installed flow meter, the flow meter marked on the required flow of water documents to develop a unified "process water Volume flow monitoring table ", process foreman each class fill in the data, and declared to the production supervisor, production supervisor unified registration and management of data. Process engineers and project management departments to prepare the process "process water consumption standards," regulate the process of production unit product water consumption. Material department will be the total amount of water into the process of the process of material performance appraisal, according to the monthly production area of ​​products, calculate the total amount of standard water, the process water flow monitoring table records the actual water consumption and the standard total water consumption Comparison, and rewards and punishments, publicity within the company, to achieve the process plan water and rewards and punish organic combination.

       Water reuse :
       FLYTECH water reuse system is the use of various means of industrial wastewater treatment at different depths, to process the water quality requirements, and then back to the process, so as to achieve the purpose of saving water and reducing environmental pollution. Water reuse is at the core of FLYTECH's reduction of wastewater discharges.

       Technology saving :
       Based on saving water and electricity, carry out water-saving projects under the professional guidance of project management department, and carry out water saving work from the aspects of technology and equipment without affecting the quality of production.

       Sewage treatment system :
       FLYTECH sewage treatment system at the beginning of the building, that is, developing a recycling economy, focusing on the harmony between man and the environment for the purpose, to create a printed circuit board industry cleaner production model project. In the construction of high-intensity input, the innovative scientific classification of waste water, waste, the introduction of advanced waste treatment technology, all kinds of sewage treatment after the pollutant content is not only stable compliance, and after the classification of pollutant emission concentration in full compliance with national standards . Meticulous wastewater classification and pre-full planning for the latter part of the water reuse system provides a strong support.

★ Green industry chain
       If companies only ensure that their products are environmentally friendly while the environmental protection of downstream suppliers can not be guaranteed, the pollution of the product life cycle in the whole industry chain will only be worsened. FLYTECH's "green" focus is not only to provide customers with green products, but full commitment to environmental awareness and measures throughout the industry chain, hoping to promote the establishment and improvement of the industry's green supply chain, to the maximum extent possible to ensure the cleanliness of the industrial chain.

       Green service :
       FLYTECH to meet customer needs, to ensure that each provided by the product are in line with ROHS requirements.

       Green purchasing :
       FLYTECH insists on green procurement, FLYTECH's suppliers to the more stringent green requirements. Based on international standards such as ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 and new requirements for energy conservation and environmental protection, the Company guides and promotes suppliers' requirements on environmental protection from the aspects of supplier organization, processes, products and execution in all aspects.

       FLYTECH supplies suppliers with the latest "《
Hazardous Substance Management Standards》", which are clearly defined in the "《Environmental Protection Agreement》." While signing the cooperation agreement with the supplier, the supplier also needs to sign an "《environmental agreement》" with FLYTECH. On a regular basis, suppliers are required to provide third-party testing reports on hazardous substances in their products, establish a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), and post the forms on the production site to standardize the operations of operators.

2011Shenzhen waste-reduction outstanding enterprise   2013 Green environmental protection advanced enterprise