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Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

        Flytech Electronics is committed to creating value for the community, establishing and maintaining a good image of integrity and law-abiding, paying taxes in accordance with the law, taking the initiative to assume responsibility for the natural environment, society and economic development, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees in accordance with the law, Service level, and actively maintain national unity and social stability, support and sponsor of social welfare undertakings, the pursuit of common progress and development of companies and customers, employees and the community.
        First, Staff Care

       The company adhere to the people-oriented, focusing on staff training, teaching, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees, the establishment of the "FLYTECH Party branch", "trade unions", "League branch" to continuously improve employee benefits and effectively safeguard the rights and interests of employees at the same time, The reform of the mechanism will provide a platform for all FLYTECH families to live and work in peace and contentment and provide employees with a broader space for development. Each employee will be regarded as a valuable asset for the development of the company and will be happy to work, live a happy life and keep making progress. Beyond, fully protect their rights to work, enhance the right to skills, and achieve win-win development between employees and the company.

        Second, Social Responsibility

             FLYTECH, always adhere to the tax according to law, integrity management, contribute to the community. Since its establishment in 1999, the company has contributed over 10 million kinds of taxes to the country, fulfilling its tax obligations and giving back to the society with its own practical efforts.

         We adhere to the "customer" as the center, respect and care for customers, and strive to provide customers with quality products and services. In the process of cooperation with suppliers, mutual assistance and mutual benefit, friendly coexistence, continuous optimization of the value of cooperation, to create a sustainable economy and provide stable employment opportunities, through cooperation to create a healthy economic order and achieve long-term win-win situation.

         In social welfare undertakings, we actively participate and spare no effort. The company set up a trade union to provide assistance to more needy and difficult FLYTECH employees and their families, sending all kinds of daily necessities, special greetings and care.

         Third, Green Management

          FLYTECH actively fulfills corporate social and environmental responsibilities and advocates green management. We have always adhered to the goal of "building a model enterprise capable of carrying out vigorous competition and friendly cooperation on behalf of Chinese enterprises and other countries in the world." We will continue to improve safety management and environmental protection and set up a special committee on cleaner production and safety production. In accordance with ISO14001 and OHSAS18000 system, the establishment of a variety of environmental protection and safety protection measures and systems. Through the design optimization, equipment modification, waste heat recovery, wastewater reuse and other measures to reduce the solid waste generated in the production process, waste water and waste gas, and strive to create a resource-saving and environment-friendly enterprises.

Responsibility Concept
         As a promoter of the ethnic PCB industry, FLYTECH's technology has always depended on its continuous improvement in its survival and development. The competitiveness is not only exist in the product, technology, quality, price, service and so on. Corporate social responsibility is also an important support for the overall competitiveness of enterprises, an important manifestation of the core competitiveness of enterprises.
       FLYTECH ELECTRONICS adheres to the concept of "harmony, innovation and development", incorporates social responsibility into its sustainable development strategy, and strives to maintain the balanced development of business and social interests, business development and technological progress, input and output, and actively builds staff And business, business and social economy and environment and the harmonious atmosphere between the various stakeholders. We will continue to innovate in all aspects of technology, products, services and management, and effectively promote the healthy growth of enterprises and the coordinated development of related fields.

          FLYTECH ELECTRONICS will assume the economic responsibility of the enterprise and conscientiously implement the social and ethical guidelines: Actively strengthen the protection of the ecological environment, vigorously develop the circular economy and carry out cleaner production; strive to promote the building of a social responsibility system and strive to build the staff, shareholders, customers, government and society A strong platform for all parties to participate in the implementation.

         Fulfilling social responsibilities is a meeting point between enterprises and society to achieve common development and is a conscious act. FLYTECH ELECTRONICS constantly explores and proactively practices and carries out its social responsibilities throughout the whole process of production, operation and management, strives for the unification and win-win of economic, social and environmental benefits, and promotes the coordination and sustainable development of business operations.

Occupational health and safety
  >> Implementation of management system
       In 2003, the Company's Safety Production Management Committee conducted a comprehensive review and review of the rules and regulations on work safety according to laws and regulations, and formulated the "FLYTECH Scientific and Technological Safety Production Management System".
       With all departments and process management staff signed a "responsibility for safety production", the safety responsibility to people, to achieve a layer of manned, everything was in charge, the company for the first time in a way to strengthen the responsibility of safety management of production safety.

       FLYTECH ELECTRONICS through occupational health and safety management system certification. Every year on the production site for occupational hazards evaluation, safety assessment and employee health examination; through the above safety rectification effectively reduce the occurrence of various types of production safety accidents, and effectively protect the company's orderly operation.

  >> Refine safety training
       It is one of the important ways for 
FLYTECH ELECTRONICS to prevent and secure that employees can enhance their safety awareness and improve their safety in various internal and external trainings. Preparation of "production safety accident emergency plan management system" training materials, and training of all staff.

       We will intensify the training on safety of special posts and organize special trainings on the use of highly toxic personnel, security personnel, fire management personnel and forklift users of special equipment so as to obtain certificates and strictly abide by the relevant provisions of the state and local government departments.

  >> Enhance emergency capabilities
       Organize large-scale fire drills and hazardous chemicals leakage emergency drills twice a year, covering special emergency and evacuation and handling exercises, and inspecting the operation status and obligations of the entire security organization and command system of the company. Fire brigade and department managers handling sudden fire accidents ability. In some cases, special guidance from local fire brigade will be specially invited. Some government departments such as hospitals, electricity supply, water supply, emergency office of township government, public security and television stations will also be invited to participate in this exercise to simulate real scenes.

       At the same time, it increased investment in safe production of capital, especially safety management of hazardous chemicals and storage safety management, prevention, prevention and control, and did not occur during the year.


Do not use conflict minerals statement
       "Conflict minerals" means minerals originating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighboring countries such as tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold. The sales revenue of these minerals may provide financial support for the ongoing armed conflicts in the region, which are used to trade arms, prolong their bloody conflicts with the government and ravage local civilians, thus triggering international disputes. Fubon Technology, a member of the world's citizens, is committed not to purchase or support the use of conflict minerals, and to update the Conflict Mineral Inventory in accordance with the conflicting minerals requirements of EICC and GeSI.